Do you...
Wake up tired, drag all day, and still have an afternoon crash?
Or maybe
Watch what you eat and exercise, but can't seem to lose weight?
Or maybe
Find yourself crippled by cramps, sore boobs or terrible headaches every time Aunt Flo comes to town, (if she even comes)?
Or maybe
Notice more and more of your hair on the couch, in your drain, between your toes, in your underwear (that stuff ends up everywhere), and wonder if it's normal to lose so much hair?
Or maybe
Have deep, cystic, painful breakouts that take ages to go away and are affecting your mental health?
Or maybe
Find yourself tweezing dark hairs from your chin, jawline, neck, chest, areolas or belly button?
There are 2 reasons the above things are happening.
Imbalanced hormones. And it's not your fault. Hormone imbalances are a product of our environment, of the foods we are eating, of our stressful lives. We are fighting a losing game, unless we know what to do... which leads me into reason 2...
We aren't taught about our bodies. How they function, what they need, how they become out of balance. Information on diet isn't helpful at all. And when we go to the doctor to ask about our symptoms, we are given drugs or birth control (band-aids) in lieu of education and solid advice on how to actually solve the problem.