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3 Practical Questions To Confidently Say Goodbye to Your Acne

Are you stuck in the acne cycle? When your acne won’t go away, especially after trying the 4 most commonly prescribed medications to clear your skin, you need to reflect on three practical questions to figure out if you need to switch strategies to clear your skin.

Want to know my EXACT routine and all the products I recommend for every skin type, I invite you to check out my Acne Skin Care Guides. They can make all the difference in the health of your skin.

Even after trying numerous prescribed medications, for my own acne struggles, and changing my diet, I still couldn't clear my skin because I wasn't solving the root cause. I, honestly, didn't even realize there was any root cause to my acne. Anyhow, it ended being a digestive issue for me.

I was so surprised to find out that my digestive issues were related to my acne. I had extreme bloating and digestion issues to the point where I had to go to the hospital twice because I thought I was dying. After the hospital visits, I eventually found out that it was just so much gas building up inside of me pressing on my organs and making me feel very sick.

Fast forward, I learned how to address my digestive issues, and it was also at the same time my acne went away.

For many people, most likely including yourself, seemingly unconnected symptoms can actually be a sign of an internal trigger to your acne.

A Quick Run Down on Why Your Acne Won’t Go Away

The reason why acne treatments aren’t working to get rid of acne is because of the Band Aid Effect. Basically, so many of the treatments are really just covering up the issue. I wrote a PACKED blog post on why the 4 most commonly prescribed medications aren’t clearing your skin for the long run.

When your acne just won’t go away, you need to go deeper. One way that you can determine if you need to pivot your strategy to clear your skin is to ask yourself these 3 questions.

#1: Is Your Acne Genetic?

First, ask yourself:

  • Is my acne genetic?

  • Does it run in my family?

  • Do my siblings, parents, and/or grandparents have acne? Or did they have acne when they were younger?”

If your acne is genetic, then you 100% need to go deeper because inflammation is going to constantly be a trigger for your acne throughout your life.

Unfortunately, inflammation is something you're going to have to manage your entire life to keep your acne at bay.

But, I PROMISE YOU, preventing inflammation isn't as hard as it sounds. Honestly, it's not difficult to do; you just need to know exactly what to do. Whatever you’re thinking it may involve, let me just say that it’s not some huge diet or lifestyle change. It's very manageable.

#2: How Consistently Do You Get Acne?

Second, ask yourself the following:

  • Have I had acne on and off or have I had it my entire life?

  • Is it something that is just coming up right now in my adult years?

  • Has it come up recently this past year?

If your acne just appeared now or in your adult years, then it might not be rooted in inflammation. Instead, the root cause may be stress or possibly something topical you're putting on your face (see my blog post on toxin-free topical products).

However, if you've had acne your entire life and your acne won’t go away, then it’s most likely genetic and you're going to have to go deeper.

#3: What Other Symptoms Do You Have?

Last, ask yourself:

  • Do I have other symptoms?

  • Are there other things going on in my body that doesn’t seem quite right?

  • Am I dealing with headaches, migraines, constant fatigue, or eczema?

Any symptoms that don’t seem right are usually connected to acne. In other words, your body is trying to send you a sign that something's not quite right. Any symptoms like headaches, migraines, constant fatigue, or eczema, can be a sign of internal inflammation which triggers acne.

Determine Your Internal Acne Triggers

Since there are 20 symptoms that I find are most closely correlated with acne, I made a FREE Symptoms Checklist for you to go through. After reading all 20 symptoms, if you have 2 to 3 or more of these symptoms, then it is safe to say that there is an internal imbalance in your body. This is completely normal, so do NOT think there's anything wrong with you.

Essentially, your body has an internal imbalance that just needs balancing, and that internal balance affects your acne.

Personally, I had 12 of the symptoms, so do not feel bad if you get a high number!

Just to reiterate, this doesn't mean that there is anything at all wrong with you. It is completely normal. When you are already genetically predisposed to acne, then inflammation is going to show up as acne.

But What About My Acne-Free Friends Who Have These Same Symptoms?

You might be thinking, “Well, my friends, they don't have a good diet and they have headaches and they have [insert whatever other symptom], but they don't have acne.

So, what’s up with that?!

That’s because they're not having the extra cellular turnover or the excess sebum (which can be genetic). Otherwise, I guarantee they have a different symptom because if there is inflammation, there is a symptom.

For instance, they may have insomnia or an autoimmune disease, or weird skin rashes or their hair is falling out, but they have clear skin. There are so many different symptoms, and yours, my friend, is acne.

Don’t worry, most people don't understand the connection between symptoms in our body and acne, so snag the Symptoms Checklist to figure out your internal acne triggers and start understanding why your acne won’t go away.

When you get the checklist, you are added to my email list- and don’t worry, I absolutely don’t ever share your email address or information. My emails are a great way to receive helpful information about acne right to your inbox.

So, if your acne just won’t go away, then grab the checklist and join the email club where I’ll teach you how to really look internally to address acne.

What You Can Do to Get Clear Skin

I recently worked with a woman who had severe eczema and acne, and just by doing the internal work to support her detoxification pathways, balance her hormones, get her inflammation down, both her severe eczema and acne are completely gone.

I know how frustrating and stressful and just terrible it can be to have acne.

Let’s get to the bottom of this together. Come and join us inside the FREE Facebook Group, Hormone, PCOS & Acne Support for Women.

Already in the group? Be sure to ask any questions that come up!

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