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3 Ways to Support Your Hormones Through Diet

1. Drink Filtered Water

Besides tap water containing heavy metals, it also has remnants of medications and pharmaceutical drugs. Some tap water has fluoride which you want to avoid to take a load off your liver. Tap water can also contain herbicides and pesticides, major endocrine disruptors, that can mess with your hormones.

Getting a quality filter is a first and simple step to take for your liver’s health. A high quality filter will remove, not just some, but ALL the impurities in your water. You can get my FREE Acne Survival Guide which lists my recommended water filters.

2. Eat High Quality Foods

Let’s talk about what it means to eat high quality foods. When possible, eat high quality food to support your liver and clear your acne.

Some foods that are really great to support your hormones are carrots, beets, and beet greens. Consider eating foods high in potassium like sweet potatoes, beans, avocados, spinach, and bananas. These are going to be really great for the liver!

Your liver also really loves vitamin C so add citrus to your diet such as oranges or lemons and limes. Personally, I like to put lemon or lime in the water I drink all day which is a great way to get some extra vitamins.

3. Drink Detox Teas

Another great way to love your liver and clear your skin is drinking detox teas. When you’re at the grocery store, try to get organic detox teas because we're trying to avoid any crops sprayed with chemicals that can be endocrine disruptors.

Also, you can just look for liver detox teas (that is a gentle cleanser) to drink once per day. Additionally, you can look for burdock root, dandelion root, or nettle that support liver detoxification, and ultimately clear your skin.

P.S. Anxious to get started with clearing your acne right away? Learn my EXACT routine and all the products I recommend for every skin type in my Acne Skin Care Guides. They can make all the difference in the health of your skin. Learn more here!

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