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Acne & Toxins: What You Should Know?

Your body has multiple ways it eliminates toxins. Your lymphatic systems cleans toxins from your body. Your liver and kidneys process toxins to be eliminated through your urine and bowels. Your skin detoxes through sweat, and your lungs detox via breathing.

So lets look at some every day toxins that may be giving your detox system grief

Common food toxins include (not a complete list):

  • Refined vegetable oils (canola, soybean, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, peanut)

  • Herbicides, pesticides that are sprayed on crops and in animal feed

  • BPA foun d in the coating of most canned foods and beverages

  • Non-stick pan coating

  • Mercury in fish

  • Added sugars

  • Artificial colors and flavors

  • Aflatoxin found in some peanut butters and nut butters

  • BHA & BHT (food preservatives)

  • Sodium nitrate

  • Sulfites

  • MSG (flavor enhancer)

  • Aspartame

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

  • rBGH (growth hormone given to cows)


Are you ready to love your skin again?

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Do have to fight another breakout?

Check out my Acne Survival Guide. It includes my favorite products to get you started on your skin care journey, and my best tips for addressing the root cause of acne. Snag it below.


These toxins can disrupt your endocrine system (hormones), cause inflammation in your body, and affect your gut health. Many of them are proven carcinogens, meaning they are capable of causing cancer. All of these have been directly correlated with acne!

Environmental toxins include (not a complete list):

  • air pollution

  • heavy metal exposure

  • mold

  • radon

  • formaldehyde

  • flame retardants

Toxins found in many beauty products include (not a complete list):

Constant exposure to all these toxins can overwhelm your body's detoxification systems and cause acne!

Here are a couple of ways you can detox your life to help heal your acne:

Eliminate all dairy from your diet, including yogurt. Try unsweetened coconut, oat or almond yogurt instead

Buy organic meat and produce when possible. Follow the clean 15/dirty dozen. Buy hormone-free meat

Replace 1 product now! Body wash = Dr. Bronners, Lotion = Acure, Mouthwash = water + baking soda + peppermint EO

Replace other products as they run out. Visit to find less toxic options

Try using wool dryer balls and soap nuts for your next laundry cycle. They are inexpensive and effective

Add air purifying plants to your home such as Aloe Vera, Chrysanthemum, Spider Plant

Ditch air freshers and use beeswax candles and a Essential Oil (EO) diffuser instead

For more of my favorite products check out my Products I Love page.

P.S. If you want to know my EXACT routine and all the products I recommend for every skin type, I invite you to check out my Acne Skin Care Guides. They can make all the difference in the health of your skin. Learn more here!

In full transparency, some of this links on this page may be affiliate links. Internally Radiant does earn a small commission on goods purchased through the included links. Don't worry, it doesn't cost you any more, and all the products are products we know, like and trust! Not tryin' to hide anything around here 😊

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