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Detox Your Body & Skin for Acne Relief

Your body is detoxifying all the time! If you try a BIG detox that your body is not ready for, you may experience nausea, dizziness, fatigue and more. These types of detoxes are unnecessary and can do much more harm than good. Beware of companies that just want your money!

Here is a list of all the ways you can support your body's detoxification pathways naturally!

  • Make sure your bowels are moving. Drink plenty of filtered water and eat enough fiber!

  • Consume beets, carrots, dandelion leaf and root, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, broccoli sprouts (can easily be sprouted at home!), cauliflower, kale, etc. Cruciferous veggies contain DIM, which supports estrogen metabolism/detox).

  • Eat onions, garlic and eggs for their sulfur content that supports detox at the cellular level.

  • Drink Dandelion Root tea to support the liver and kidneys.

  • Drink turmeric as tea, or as a latte. Include black pepper to support turmeric absorption. It is also fat soluble so try your latte with coconut milk!

  • Eat high quality protein (the liver needs protein to detoxify)- grass-fed, organic, pasture raised. Commercial meat is full of antibiotics and hormones that end up in your body and can put extra stress on your detoxification pathways.

  • Place castor oil packs over your liver for 20 minutes in the evenings, or just rub castor oil under your right breast and sleep with it on (it will stain, so be careful). Castor oil stimulates lymphatic flow and blood flow.

  • Go bra-less to support lymphatic movement.

  • Exercise daily.

  • Dry brush before showering. Give it a goog if you're not sure how to dry brush. Check out the 'Products I love' page to see which brush I use!

  • Limit alcohol as it can damage your liver.

  • Get enough sleep. Your body naturally detoxifies while sleeping.

  • Avoid sugary/processed foods, as they harm organs that are needed for detoxifying.

  • Switch to natural cleaning products. You can make most products are home using vinegar, baking soda and lemon!

  • Use natural deodorant, lotion, shampoo, makeup etc. so you aren't taxing your system with harmful chemicals that it will have to detoxify.

Chemicals and other toxins that can't be detoxified (either from toxin overload or lagging detox systems), will be stored in fat cells to get them out of circulation. Often times, when an individual goes on a 'detox diet', or any diet to lose weight, they will feel ill as the toxins are released with the fat cells and flood the system!

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