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Foods That Contribute to Hormone Imbalances

Not only will I be answering what foods can trigger hormone imbalances, I will also be answering some other commonly asked questions I get about balancing the hormones naturally. Let's jump right in!

What foods are known triggers of hormonal imbalances?

  • Dairy: (I know, I know... and I'm sorry ). The silver lining is that most women are able to eat dairy again once their gut is all sealed up.

  • Vegetable oils: this includes canola, sunflower, safflower, soybean, corn, cottonseed, etc.

  • Soy: (it mimics estrogen in the body)

  • Peanut Butter: highly inflammatory

Should I go on spironolactone? This is a conversation for you and your doctor, however I never recommend taking any sort of drug therapy, as they often mask the root causes of hormonal imbalances. Spironolactone also comes with side effects that are related to upper gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers and dehydration. You can learn more about my thoughts on Spiro in this video.

Should I go on birth control? Again, a decision that should be made between you and your doctor. Birth control will mask any of your current hormone imbalances... meaning they will still be there whenever you decide to come off. Think of birth control as putting a band-aid over the issue.

What supplements do you recommend to balance the hormones? There are supplements I recommend for balancing hormones, however I only provide recommendations to women I am directly working with inside of Hormone Bliss. It is extremely important to be eating a nutrient dense diet, and even more important to be digesting that food well. Strive for each of your meals to contain a healthy fat, carb and protein.

I think this email is long enough for now. Don't worry, I love to spoil my email list with helpful tips and tricks, so I'll be back soon! I will also be sure to let you know when the doors for Hormone Bliss open again! Until then... Here are two ways I can help you with your hormones....

  1. Join my free Facebook group, Hormone, PCOS & Acne Support for Women.

  2. Learn more about my online program, Hormone Bliss. This program will give you a step-by-step framework to balance your hormones in safe, fast and fun way! Learn more here.

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